Happy Birthday Amber!!! (a day late)

August 14, 2008 at 12:21 pm | Posted in Announcements, Birthday, My Family | 2 Comments
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We all love you so much, you’re a such a beautiful young lady inside and out. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me=) I hope your 23rd year is filled with many blessings and much joy as you continue to serve the Lord with all your heart. Now, a few fun facts about Amber:

Favorite Sport: Wally ball

Favorite color: Pink

Favorite store: Hobby Lobby

Favorite car: Prius

Biggest Fear: Spiders

Favorite thing to do: scrapbook and make cards

Happy Birthday Amber I love you!!! 






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  1. Happy belated B-day to your sister!! 🙂 I hope the Lord richly blesses this year of her life, and uses it for His glory and her good(and the good of those whose lives hers will touch and change for the Lord).

    I enjoyed the fun facts, and getting to know her a little bit through them.

    I, too, LOVE making cards. I’ve been doing it since I was really little and I would take a piece of white paper, fold it, and color it with markers. 🙂 I don’t currently have any card making kits, but I would love to have one. A dear lady from our church came up with a great way to use up scraps of old wallpaper. Take some cardstock, fold it and glue the wallpaper to the front of it in whatever fashion you want. It makes some really pretty cards! 🙂

    I, as well, am terribly afraid of spiders. I can’t stand them. I oftentimes(*embarassed smile*) have to get my Daddy to kill them for me, because I’m afraid they’ll jump on me or something. :/ But he’s my rescuer and protector, and takes care of them for me. 🙂

    By the way, I noticed somewhere that you said that you and Autumn are dedicated to being stay-at-home daughters. I was SO thrilled to hear that! I knew you liked the Botkin ladies and linked to them, but I didn’t know where you stood on the stay-at-home daugherhood issue. I’m so thankful and happy to hear that the two of you are dedicated to remaining at home until marriage. That’s really great! 🙂 Is Amber still at home as well?

    I must be going…have a blessed day, dear friend!


  2. Hey Rebekah! Thank you so much for your kind words thay are very much appreciated=) Yes, Amber is at home as well and is in the middle of trying to start her own business! Stay-at-home daughters are so “unheard of” that I get so excited when I meet one! I’ve been so blessed to be able to many through the blogging world.


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